Full Service Auto Body Shop Ft Pierce | Affordable Auto Painting and Repair Inc.
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Serving the Treasure Coast for Over 25 years

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Our Services

Body Repair

Includes rust repair, metal patching, metal fabrication, media blasting, glass repair & replacement, dent repair, frame straightening and parts replacement.

Auto Painting

Our approach to auto painting is really very simple, give them more than they paid for. We do so by not trying to make a large profit off of 1 or 2 customers a week. We make our profit off of a large volume of customer per week.
We have set up shop to handle large volume. We buy paint products in bulk to keep the cost low. We use BSAF product line, efficient state of the art equipment and have long time, well trained employees.

  • All-Over Complete Paint Jobs
  • Spot Repair Painting
  • Custom Blending
  • Media Blasting (soda)
  • Parts Painting
  • All can be done in multiple paint grades and prices.

We guarantee our work with a 2-5 year peeling guarantee and a 1-2 year fading guarantee depending on which paint package you choose.


The 2K Urethane Paint Job

We machine sand the entire car, than hand-sand the edges. We then prime all bare metal and body work areas. We apply 3 coats of name brand 2k urethane paint and integrate two top coats of clear. This paint job has a 3 year peeling, flaking & cracking guarantee (pro-rated), with a 2 year unconditional fading guarantee.

The True Base Clear Paint Job

This is what your vehicle comes from the factory with. We hand and machine sand the entire car than we apply one full primer-sealer coat and 3 coats of name-brand base coat and two full coats of clear. This paint job carries a 5 year peeling guarantee (pro-rated) and a 2 year unconditional fading guarantee.


Collision Repair

Most cars today last up to 15 years safely. Most within that time frame do not get totaled in a wreck but are dinged, dented, scratched and acquire rust. That’s where Affordable Auto Painting and Body Repair come in. We specialize in minor repairs and painting to keep your vehicle on the road. Our body technicians are very experienced and fast. We repair the majority of vehicles in a couple of days.